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Friday, February 12, 2010

Yay! Story Time!

So I was writing some inspirational stuff in my Ana journal, and realized that I haven't posted any story stuff in a while, so here goes nothing.

"Rae look at yourself. Do you see what I see?"
I shook my head.
"I see a lonely, fat girl who has no hope of finding a boy. At least not with that body. I can't see ribs, or hip bones, I can't even see your collar bone! You disgust me!"
"Ana I'm sorry. But I have a new plan, and I'm going to stick to it. I want to fit into those pants by the beginning of March, middle of March at the latest."
"Ha! You told me that you had tried before Christmas and it didn't work."
"This time I have you Ana. I know I can do it with your help."
Ana looked at me sternly. I knew what she was thinking. I turned back to the mirror, I was only wearing my bra and underwear, something I could hardly stand to see myself in. I could see the fat hanging off of me. I could see the roles that made up my stomach. I could see the lard hanging off of my back. The cupcakes on my butt. The pizza on my thighs. The chocolate on my arms. I felt a tear slid down the donut that was my cheek.
"Oh Ana! It's horrible."
"And YOU keep forgetting that." She smartly pointed out.
I nodded. "Ana please remind me every time I forget. I don't want to be like this anymore."
Ana wrapped her thin arm around my bulging waist. "I will help you as long as you want my help."
"Don't ever leave me. Please don't ever leave me." I sobbed, still staring at my reflection.
"I won't." She promised.
"'Til death due us part?" I whispered hopefully.
"'Til death due us part." She agreed.

1 comment:

  1. I love it when you write in story form. The way you portrayed food as parts of your body was just pure brilliance. Keep writing, stay strong, and follow Ana's lead.
