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Saturday, February 6, 2010

I'm Done

So after leaving the bar early because I had a shitty night my friend texts me and says "I wish you hadn't left... and I have bad news". I was like okay... I wonder what happened. So finally she texted me back and was like... "He doesn't like you in a dating way. but we didn't want to tell you earlier." I'm like just fucking great. So I was right he didn't come tonight because he doesn't want me. I even dressed up really pretty, did my hair and all... and he just decided not to come because I'm not even worth a text message saying can't make it... I hate myself so much right now... that all I can do is cry... and wait for a messaging saying "sorry we should've told you earlier."... not that that would ever happen. Oh and my one friend has the nerve to say "please don't be mad at me, it's my last night here." In my mind I was like "I have every right to be mad at you." Oh and my other friend says "I knew for a couple of days... I thought it would change." Great you knew for days and didn't tell me... great fucking friends I have.

All I want is to be perfect, I NEED to be perfect.


  1. It hurts so bad when friends betray you like that, and i agree, you have every right to be mad... You'll be perfect, sweetie, and then he'll be sorry he didn't like you "in a dating way" cuz you'll have moved on to someone so much better!

  2. thats love... I'm going to use this "pain" as an excuse... because when you get your heart broken you get all sad and don't eat.... now no one will think any different ;)
    Stay Strong

  3. That is some of the reasons why I don't want a boyfriend; I am afraid of rejection. Your friend should've told you that before you gave your hopes up.
