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Saturday, February 6, 2010


Hey guys, last night was killer... I hated every minute of it... now I have officially hated every minute of today. I have put weight back on... which is driving me nuts, cause I didn't think I had done that bad. Oh the other hand, I feel so bad about myself right now that I could have put on like 20 pounds and feel the same... whoa so I just made a discovery... I don't have any real friends in my town, and the only thing really keeping me going is this blog... that is truly sad. Oh well... at this point in time I want to lose all the weight just to show Joseph what he is missing out on. Wish me luck.

I want to be perfect, I NEED to be perfect.


  1. I've got the same thing going on. No friends here or back home. All I have is my boyfriend who I spend every waking moment with and everyone on blogger. I completely lack a social life outside his house.

    And I want to be perfect too. I can't settle with this.

    Much love, fuck boys :)

  2. You know, i'm pretty sure i've only got two true friends outside of this blog world we've created, and only one of them do i ever get to see. It's really hard, i know. But sweetie, you KNOW that we all love you here. Hang in there. We WILL be perfect.

  3. Wow. i am the same way. i have one friend and i rarely see him. He's getting married, so it's understandable. My husband is totally is my son, which is understandable, as he has AS.

    No friends, really other than the blog world. To top it off, i binged last night and gained t h r e e is that possible??? Hatin' on me BIG time.

    Hang in there eveyone and we w i l l show "THEM"!
