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Thursday, February 11, 2010


Okay so I just picked up Wasted and can't wait to start reading it. What parts did you guys find the most inspiring, motivating, helpful... or what ever? So anyway I put on my winter coat today 'cause I had to go into town with my mom, and it wasn't tight in my hips/lower stomach part. Which makes my really happy, actually seeing improvement makes me realize just how worth it, it is to be hungry. So when I get home I'll be posting a few pics... mostly because I got my hair cut...


  1. That's awesome...Trying on clothes and having them fit even just a little bit looser is always really awesome motivation!
    It always reminds me that I am just a little bit smaller and one step closer to my goals! :)
    Congrats on the improvements!

  2. I've been waiting to for someone to return 'wasted' to my library, its finally in, im going to go borrow it soon

  3. The entire book is amazing, but i have to admit my favorite parts are when she talks about how she ate. She had such strict rituals when it came to eating, and they're just so inspiring because she took her time with the food. I always find myself gulping it down before i know what's happened...

  4. i have to agree with ana's girl. i really liked when she talked about how she ate her frozen yogurt. i do the same thing! im actually jsut going through today too, im trying to get through "slim to none" but its not as food based as i would have liked. plus its uber depressing.
    stay strong
