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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

13 Hours

So I'm not quite sure why, but I slept for 13 hours last night. Any way it helps with my eating. So right now I'm having an orange and some cottage cheese. Cause I was starving... which is the point I know... but I felt like I could have ate my shoe... I was that hungry. But I plan on working out hard core tonight after my sister goes to bed. I'm thinking 10K on my bike, and the Slim in 6, and possibly some other strength training. Wow that sounds like alot... but I'm going to have to do it because night is homemade pizza night. Not only that but I need to lose more weight this week, by Friday because I'm going to see Joseph that night, and I want to look good. I mean he likes me but I want him to feel like he just hit the jackpot. So later tonight I'll update you all on how my eating and working out went.

1 comment:

  1. Sleeping a lot definitely helps with not eating. It gives you the energy you would usually need to get from food, plus you can't eat while your asleep.
    Hunger is a reward, remember that, dearie. You're doing so great, and your hunger is just the evidence that you're making so much progress. Stay strong!
