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Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So every time I feel down because of the way I look, my friends are like "But you are so pretty." And I'm like well then how come guys don't think so? I'm just too fat. And them they are like "You are not fat!" But in reality I'm about 100lbs over weight which makes me morbidly obese. But they they say "That doesn't make you fat!"
But if you are 100lbs overweight how can you not be fat? I can see the gross disgusting fat hanging off of my bones and I hate it. However because of my stupid emotional eating I eat every time I get upset. I'm trying to change that. I want to get into the habit of doing something more constructive when I'm upset, something like writing, or playing the piano, or workout. So right now I'm going to list some of my goals.
1.Become beautiful (duh, every girls dream)
2.Find better friends
3.Get control of my eating
4.Snag a guy
5.See bone (hips especially)
6.Be happy with who I am
7.Learn how to do different workouts
8.Workout more often
9.Eat healthier foods
10.Don't be so obsessive


  1. I hate it when people tell me i'm not fat... I've just stopped talking about my weight with people because they always lie and say i'm not fat when i know i am.
    I have issues with emotional eating too, sweetie... It just sucks, but it's not a habit that can't be broken. Stay strong!

  2. I suggest writing or playing the piano when emotional. Thats a good idea. I do that too and it helps. Or even listening to your favorite music. Organize some "Emotion" playlists, like your angry music, your sad/teary music, your happy-go-lucky music, etc. Focus on seeing those hipbones.

    Sometimes if I'm fighting off a binge urge I write about what is most important to me, for you it could be seeing hipbones. Write paragraphs about seeing your hipbones and all of a sudden that pizza seems trivial if it's getting in the way of you and your goals.

    Hope I helped :) Hang in there, hun.

    Stay strong!



  3. I hate it when people say 'oh you're not fat', um yes I am. And it's stupid because it's like they're trying to make you feel better by trying to not state the obvious which honestly makes me feel worse. I'm also an emotional eater, sucks major ass!! I'm trying to resist the urge to eat bingy food when life throws me crappy things.

  4. its even worse when a skinny girl says 'your not fat'. it just pisses me off to no end. its like, why cant people just be honest now-a days? i know they are just trying to be nice and spare my feelings but them saying im not fat isnt going to put me into some delusional state of mind where i'd suddenly be happy with my rolls. people just need to get their heads out of the clouds, quit making everything into rainbows and unicorns, and just be honest.

    sorry for the rant lol.

    i love the list by the way. wouldnt life be easier if we could all be just a smidge less obsessive :)
    say strong

  5. I totally agree with this!
    In fact, I was talking to someone yesterday and I told him I had to go work out...and the next thing out of his mouth was: "no, you don't need to work out! you're not fat! Your perfect the way you are!"
    UGH!!!! >:(
    I hate liars!!!!!!!!!!

    Stay Strong Girls!!! <3
