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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Story... and my Fail Win?

So my insomnia has taken over tonight... so I'm up at 5ish am posting... So I weigh myself every night before I go to bed... which is about 2:30am... and wouldn't ya know it I lost 0.4lbs... even after binging for like 2 days straight I don't get it... so at the moment I am 225.8... lowest I've been in quite a while... but I am going out Friday night and need to shave off like an inch off my stomach if I can so if any of you have some tips or tricks, post a comment please!! I am "planning" on fasting for the next two days hopefully that will help!! I just hope I have enough control for that!! And since I'm up I'm browsing the web for suggestions... and I'm going to post more story in this blog entry... because I can!
"God you are such a fat cow! You do know that, right?" Ana asked, tear rimmed eyes staring me down.
"I know Ana, and I'm sorry. I don't know why I wasn't listening to you. I just couldn't help it. It was like the peanut butter and chocolate chips forced their way into my mouth."
"Ha more like you forced them in. You went way over your calorie limit for the past," Ana paused to calculate. "Jesus! It's almost been a week. You NEED to recommit. Do you want Joseph to think you are a fat cow? Do you want him to think about you, or think about how your fat goes the opposite direction as you?"
I gaped at her, did she really just say that? "Ana I'm sorry, will you please help me?"
"Your mother will be suspisious." She warned.
"What do I say?"
"Tell her good o'l faithful, you don't feel well."
I scoffed. "She won't buy that."
"Yes she will. Trust me."
"Til death due us part." I vowed.


  1. "till death do us part" :) I loved that!

  2. hey girlie. I hope you're doing alright, good job losing despite the binge. That just shows you that the weight is ready to fall off now =]

    If you like goalsetting for weight loss, maybe check out, and if you ever need someone to talk to 1on1 just ask, I started at 200lbs

    We're all rooting for ya xox <3
