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Friday, February 12, 2010

Old Friend

So today I got together with an old friend of mine whom I haven't seen in months. We went and saw another friend of ours whom I also haven't seen in a long time. She's really skinny and pretty and is my other friends ex(the first friend I met up with). So once we left her house, him and I went back to my place. Where he confessed that he really wanted to have sex with me. I was more then slightly shocked, but at the same time knew it. He had been after me about two years ago. So I told him that I wanted a something long term, I didn't just want a fling. So all evening he was really sweet, ya know holding me, kissing me, then once my sister went to bed he was like "you are so frustrating." I was like, "You know what I want" cause I am a complete virgin. The worst that I have done is making out with someone. I have never gotten very far with a guy just because of how insecure I am. I hate turning him down, because I really want to be with him. But at the same time I have to keep some of my integredy. However the other problem is if he doesn't find a job his Dad is going to kick him out... again. I was sitting there and I'm like he's 17 and you're going to kick him out again?!?!

Sorry for the rant guys. On the plus side I only had one meal today and a few mini chocolate eggs. So overall not too bad of a day. Hopefully Mr. Scale won't treat me too badly.

1 comment:

  1. Don't give it up because some guy "wants you". That is not sexy and unflattering. Even if you want it too...I think you best wait until you find someone who loves you and cherishes you, and then it will just come naturally. I applaud you for maintaining your integrity, thats a rare item nowadays.

    I think Mr. Scale can forgive you for a few lousy chocolate eggs ;) you'll be fine.


