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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Donating, Binging

Hey guys sorry I haven't been posting or commenting. It isn't for a lack of time, I just read about how well you guys are doing and get really sad because I have just been binging and binging since JJ fucked off. Thankfully when I weighed myself last night I was at 223.2... so not too much of a weight gain... but it makes me really sad... tomorrow I am going to donate blood... which will result in immeadiate weight loss... which is exciting... Oh and my calculus teacher informed us today that she can't donate blood because she doesn't weigh enough... here you have to weigh at least 110... which means she is what I aspire to be....

Stay Strong my pretties.

I want to be perfect, I NEED to be perfect!


  1. oh hun dont get down on yourself. i know i would be binging too if that jj thing happened to me. remember that you are only human.slip ups are bound to happen now and again. all you need to do is find your stride. trust me, we have ALL been through long binges. hell i binge every weekend. what matters now is that your strong enough to pick yourself up and start again. i know you can do this!
    hang in there
