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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

News.... of a Variety

ok so this is a good news, bad news, terrified news post. SO lets start with the worst news.... I have these like pimply sort of bumps on my breast... which I went to the doctor for a year ago, because they start out a bluish colour, and don't go away. But I noticed that they have started to appear down there, on my vag fat... really gross... so I'm freaking out about that... got me kinda scared. Moving on....

Bad News, Eddie and I had a horrible fight today, the look in his eyes scared the hell out of me, basically he told me he's not worth my time... kinda backwards... so basically he left me crying in the street and ran off... great....

Good news... finally.... I had my first hungar headache... I actually forgot to eat today... I had a couple of cheese biscuts for breakfast, a couple of 10cal jello, a banana, 2 fiber bars, and a muffin... not really a "normal" day.... I was wondering why I had this horible headache, so my sister asked me what I ate today and then she force fed me toast... which was ok... cause I'm still down a bit today... almost my lowest since starting again... so thats exciting...

Thought I should post again cause I have been slacking on that severly lately.

Stay Strong

I want to be perfect, I NEED to be perfect.


  1. Have you seen a dermatologist? A derm might know better than a regular doctor on situations like this. It's strange that the bumps are in those areas. Maybe something hormonal?

  2. well thats what my friend seems to think.... she thinks I'm on sex overdrive lol
