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Monday, March 15, 2010


just great, wow, amazing.... NOT! SO my life has gone steadily downhill.... mostly just today though. SO the day started out kinda suckish.... but then I couldn't figure out my calculus, and that upset me... then I realized the mountain of forensics I have to finish. To top that off I'm playing the really easy parts in my schools band, and what's the point of being there if it isn't going to challenge me?... oh and to top that one off, the guy I like (who might be my perfect guy in the world) has decided I'm stalking him because I added him on facebook... I mean really? I have over 300 friends on fb, and talk to maybe 20 of them..... I'm just trying to get to know him... is that really so wrong?.... apparently it is....

1 comment:

  1. No, he's a jerk, so screw him.
    Don't get hard on yourself,
    you'll get through the school stuff,
    and don't give up on band.
    If it's something you enjoy doing,
    stick with it.
    Talk to your instructor or something.
    If you're just absolutely not into it
    then let it go.
    Do what makes you happy,
    what you want for you.

    Take care hun :]
