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Thursday, June 3, 2010

.... Riiiiiight

I am so disappointed in myself right now. I had gone 18 hours without any food, and I was just going to have a bit of soup... 180cals for the whole thing... except I wound up eat grilled cheese as well. The good news is I am going swimming again tonight so I'm going to push it really hard. Also I'm going to do a bunch of ab exercises once I get home from swimming, since I have noticed almost everything I own is either tight in that area, or would just look better if I tightened up that area. I mean as far as binges go it was under 500 cals... which is all I've had today. I will probably have some veg for supper. And maybe some fruit as a snack if I need it. I have almost reached the perfect 14! And am on the edge of 220! Things are starting to look better, it makes me happy. Well.... off to go get ready for working out!


  1. Don't be to hard on yourself, hun. A little bit of grilled cheese isn't going to hurt your progress too much. AND look at it this way, you were strong enough to stop a binge before it got bad--that's stronger than i've ever been! Stay strong and keep working!

  2. If it makes you feel any better, today was epic fail for me... was aiming for much lower but wound up around 600.

