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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Stress and Heartbreak

So... I am having a rather hard week. My sister has accused me of being anorexic yet again. I mean heavens must I always eat supper? Even if I am truly not hungry? I have exams and stuff due... and everything for school must be done by Monday... I am so stressed... and because of the stress my back is killing me. I have my rag (sorry TMI). I found out Mike's self esteem is so low he doesn't want to date at all for the fear of being hurt. Or maybe he just doesn't want to date a fat pig like me, not sure. I'm so upset about everything being out of control all I want to do is cut, except I hid my stuff when I moved in and don't know where I put it. On the plus side I am eating minimally. I don't even know what to do anymore.

I was going to binge... I had the water boiling... the noodles out... and just froze. I couldn't even binge. The one thing I could always do, and I couldn't do it. It was weird. I was pleased. It doesn't make me feel any less horrid.

Still a fat whore. Night all.


  1. I hate it when other people act as though they know what's going on inside your body, instead your head.
    It's like they pretend to know when you're hungry.
    Don't let your sister force you to do anything you don't want to do.

    It sucks that everything is out of control for you. I hope things get better for you soon.

  2. Good job today! I ended up bingeing :(
    I hate it when people start questioning your eating habits. Why can't they mind their own business?? It's your life, your body, not theirs. Just make excuses, pretend you're not hungry, etc.
    Stay strong!

  3. just do your best to relax this week as much as you can.. your sister might just be worried and lashing out is how some people express concern, twisted i know..
    keep your mind and body *healthy* thats all you can do!!!

  4. I hate how people see not eating every single time food is placed in front of you even when you're truly not hungry as anorexia. It just makes me wanna punch them...
    I feel your pain with stress... and the rag. I'm in the same spot right now, hun. But trust me, you're not fat or a whore. I know you're beautiful and strong. Hang in there and do try to be happy, ok?
