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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fall to Pieces

So I guess I should say when I put poetry on here it is mine unless I say otherwise. I love writing poetry a lot of times it makes me feel a lot better, but other times it just confirms how I feel and makes me feel worse. I'm going to split this post into paragraphs. Each paragraph is something different I am talking about.

First of all I found out last night Josh is 9 or 10 years older then me. This fact doesn't bother me. What bothers me is this skinny pretty girl that was hitting on him all night last night. The fact that he was flirting back? Killer. I mean before she showed up he was hitting on me... I'd go to walk away from him and he'd smack my butt. She was also closer to his age, which is probably why it seemed to work better between them. Point is, I let my guard down got hurt again, I will learn eventually not to put my heart out there to get hurt. On the plus side I did a bunch of ab exercises when I got home as a result.

I am going through all of my clothes slowly, because I have to get rid of stuff before I move at the end of August. I want to get rid of everything I won't wear, and all my "fat" clothes. I know I'm still whale-like but these are the clothes that are way too big for me. Oh speaking of too big clothing... my 14's are starting to get loose. Yet my 13's are still way to small. Like so small I can't even do them up, can't even get them all the way up. Fat ass!

Um... I bought this really pretty dress a couple of weeks ago, its pink (which is a colour I just don't like) but I love it which is kind of weird. It's strapless, it's a medium, it definitely doesn't fit. Not even close. It will one day soon, okay maybe not soon because it's that much too small, but it will fit!

Oh, completely forgot, I'm taking Slim Quick Hoodia for the next 20 days (I started today), in hopes that it will help me lose a bunch of weight before the end of summer. Cause I would love to have to go pick out a new swim suit because mine is too big.

That's about all I have to update on, so here comes a letter.

Dear Mister Someone,

I'm writing you to tell you I hope you come one day soon. I could use your shoulder to cry on, your strong arms to hold me tight, your chest to sleep on, and your entire being to be mine. I need you to get here soon because I am slowly falling apart. I need someone to be around, I need someone to care. I need you Mister Someone, because you ar ethe someone I am waiting for. My patience it wearing thin, and the trouble is coming in fast. I want you around, so I can just be me, so that when the hunger comes you are there to chase that pain away. I want you to be around for everything, you will be my everything. Get here soon.

Love Rae

P.S. I can't wait forever, I need you now. Please don't take your time getting here.


  1. i bet shes shallow and fake!!!
    working in the food services though, there are always going to be flirts- he sounds like he is one.. try not to let it bother you..

  2. don't refuse to put your heart out there--everyone gets hurt (even josh and skinny pretty girl). but really, you can't let yourself become an emotional freezer just because you get your feelings hurt...we all get our feelings hurt.
    oh, and don't wait around for mister someone--become your own support and fall back on your readers for extra support : )
