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Saturday, April 24, 2010

.... Program, Idiots and More

So I have decided to ignore a couple of comments I got. They basically told me that I am not an anorexic (I know I have EDNOS), and that my blog is killing people. I have put up disclaimers stating what this blog is about, and it has a warning label before you even enter. I made this as safe as a blog about an eating disorder can be.

Even though you said you weren't attacking me you were. And I know that I am fat and obese but here's a fact for you 2/3 of all anorexics start out at a healthy weight or larger (up to being obese!). I am one of those 2/3's. But because I'm fat and tend to eat more then I would ever want, I'm not "sick". If you don't like my blog don't read it! I don't need people putting me down and telling me that I am not ill, that I do not suffer from an eating disorder.

To those of you who love and support me; thank you. I wouldn't have been able to do what I have with out you.

Now for my good news/decisions.

1. I need a new program.
2. I need to reach my first goal by May 1.
3. I need to learn more self control (for those comfort foods everyone has)
4. Don't take bad comments personally.
5. Keep my room clean so I can work out.

Ok so the rules!!!!
1. No more then 1200 cals a day (because that is the low end of "healthy")... less is fine.
2. Walk 40 minutes everyday.
3. Do 1.5 hours of intense exercise every week.
4. Do yoga 2-3 times a week.
5. Resistance training 3 times a week.
6. Eat lots of fruit and veg.
7. Sleep at least 7 hours a night.
8. Cut out chips, chocolate bars (including chocolate granola bars), fried foods.
9. No high calorie drinks.
10. Drink 2 (or more) cups of tea a day.
11. Brush teeth after every meal and snack.
12. Read all labels! Don't eat food with more then 20% total fat.
13. Splurge once a week (1500 cals).
14. Take my diet pills, or drink dieters tea.
15. Move more!

God I hate the idea of eating 1200 cals a day... but if this works I might be able to sitck to it... and that is a step in the right direction. Right now that is all I need control and a step in the right direction. Also I kind of want to post tips and tricks... Is that a good idea? Not trick like hiding food and stuff, but just things you can do everyday to burn a few more calories or consume a few less. And exercise tips or something like that. I don't know it was just a thought.

So that is my new plan... horrifying calorie intake and all. But this is a lot of exercise for me to even consider. I think I will make Sunday my "recovery" day, where I only do walking, and maybe light yoga or something like that. I plan on doing this program until I either get bored or it stops working. What ever happens first. hopefully this is something I can stick to. And I realise I have been rather repetative in this post. Sorry.


  1. here it is :)

    good luck sweet heart. I'm right here being hungry with you!

    I think your goals are really healthy and sustainable, and if you stick to them you'll be a stunner by the end of the year!

    If you exercise, you can lose a lot of weight on 1200cal.

    It's better than starving. I'm just really impatient :D

    Love you to bits!

  2. Maybe you could block them? I have a very eratic eating pattern, and a very unhealthy relationship with food, and that is certainly an eating disorder. And I think you have one too. We may not be anorexic, but we certainly aren't normal. And if we want to strive to be thin, to gain control - well, if that makes us happy, the people who have a problem with that should just fuck off.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. thankyou. i hope you know where i was coming from. Good luck with your weight loss. <3

  5. yeah my love, this is all we wanted. know i wish u the best. stay strong and u will reach every goal. *power* maybe u will try a master cleanse?

  6. Good luck, it sounds like a great plan! I'll be here supporting you :)

  7. I posted my pictures :( But I promised I would so I figured I should.

  8. Don't block anything. If people have a problem, they have a problem. And who is someone else to point fingers and say, "You don't even have an ED." Like it's something to be proud of, like it's something you have to prove. Ignore haters and negativity.

    I am following your blog. I saw your previous post and Nessa's post and I think you are both brave souls for exposing yourselves and your vulnerabilities. I commend you both. I really think the honesty is so honorable and courageous.

  9. I don't think people find your blog not legit because of your weight, I think people have a hard time taking you seriously because it sort of sounds like, by reading your blog (and I just sat here for a while and read quite a bit of it), that you just woke up one morning and decided to have an eating disorder. Having EDNOS is very serious and for you to claim something like that when it might not be true is dangerous. Having EDNOS can be diagnosed when someone meets some, but not all of the criteria for Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa. Which criteria do you meet?
    1. Is your body image distorted? I assume not, since you know you are overweight and you are taking "healthy" steps to get rid of excess.
    2. Have you experienced a loss of a menstrual period?
    3. Do you restrict your calories to an unhealthy level? (note: 1200 is perfectly healthy for a female of an average height)
    4. Do you engage in compulsory behavior after eating? (purging, laxatives, extreme exercise)
    5. Do you experience episodes of binge eating (periods lasting two hours or longer where you eat more than a normal amount of food)?
    6. Do your compulsory behaviors or binges happen three times a week or more?

    Aside from an obsession to lose weight (which honestly, you might not have) what really makes you have a mental illness like an eating disorder?
    When you say things like "2/3 of all anorexics start out at a healthy weight or larger," you make it sound like you are anticipating potentially being VERY SICK...and you glorify it and dramatize it like it is a good thing. Like you WANT to be sick, like you want to choose an eating disorder. Having an eating disorder is NOT A LIFESTYLE CHOICE and you cannot "choose" to follow Ana or Mia like they are people. It is a very serious mental illness that effects every part of your life, and while there are "ProAna" communities, these people do not want their eating disorders persay, they just are not open to the possibility of recovery.
    However, there is also a term for people who WANT to have an eating disorder and who "choose" to live the life of those with one...and it is called "wanarexic." Some people often seek help for such a thing because it also unhealthy.

    Quite frankly, your blog is a slap in the face to all the women out there with eating disorders, because we deal with it every day, and all of it's consequences, whereas you, as normal young woman, just really want to lose weight.
    As I'm sure you're intelligent, you should know that a simple disclaimer on the beginning of your page is no excuse to post dangerous material, nor does it permit you to claim a mental illness you might not have, when you haven't even been diagnosed.
    You said that if someone doesn't like your blog, they don't have to read it. And I want you to know that I won't be reading it anymore and I hope that other young women like you don't give into this same type of irresponsible behavior you are exhibiting.

    PS-You might want to consider changing the name of your blog. You have never known "Ana", and if you want to know "Ana" then you are, as previously stated, a wanarexic.

  10. You will probably delete my comment, but I don't care, because I have my rights to voice my opinions as well.

    I only recently saw your blog, and reading it...I don’t know how to react. I’m not going to beat around the bush—I don’t believe you really are EDNOS.

    I do realize that many girls with EDs do start out at a healthy weight or even overweight/obese, but they don’t just wake up and just GET an ED. It’s something that, well, usually builds up on itself over time. Reading your blog, it seems like you just decided that you now have an ED, and to girls like me who do have EDs (mine slowly built up from disordered eating), it’s kind of a slap in the face. You’re pretending to have something that controls almost EVERY aspect of my life, when I don’t think you really understand what it's like.

    I am not saying that you’re not “sick.” Binge eating, compulsive overeating, maybe. EDNOS, no. “Ana” (as stated in your blog title), no. I do sympathize that food most likely controls your thoughts too, but in ways different from mine, and from other girls who are EDNOS/ANA/MIA.

    Also, your rules/plans seem to me quite healthy. 1200c is something that people who are eating healthy are aiming for. Your exercise plans, trying to cut out unhealthy foods, well, that all seems like a normal diet plan to me.

    I know you don’t think that I am qualified to tell you about YOUR mental health. After all, who am I to tell you that you have/don’t have an ED? I struggled a lot with this question, before finally deciding to post because I thought about it and believe that I am entitled to voicing my opinion.

    Anyways, I wish you luck in trying to lose weight, and hope for your sake that you never have to go through what millions of girls around the world are going through.

  11. You can do it .
    Work hard, You are strong.
    Good plans ~ just do it.

  12. I agreed with everything you said about the comments you're getting except you lost me in the end. You honestly don't know if you're one of the 2/3. I mean no disrespect but I really doubt you're anorexic.EDNOS, yeah probably cause you have issues with food but that doesn't make you anorexic. People who are anorexic are repulsed and can't even imagine considering having a binge of 1500 a week. I'm not trying to be mean and I support you 100 percent of the way in your weight loss journey but I don't believe saying you're one of the 2/3 or attempting to be classified as anorexic is correct. Having anorexia has less to do with restriction and more to do with control. I'm a fan of your writing so please don't think i'm a hater, this is just my opinion.
