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Thursday, April 22, 2010


So you know that line in Alice in Wonderland? When the Hatter tells Alice that she has lost her muchness? Well I want to be Alice. I want to lose my muchness, and be beautiful and weightless. I want to be the envy of everyone in Wonderland.

I need to find a plan I can stick to. Thus far I have strayed off of everything. I skip breakfast most of the time. But instead wind up eating 3 or 4, 100 calorie granola bars. It doesn't seem to matter what I do I fail. So I think I am just going to try and stay under 1200 calories, because that is supposed to be healthy. Do yoga 2 or 3 times a week. Walk everyday. And try to get an additional 3 hours of exercise a week. I don't even want to lose weight fast. I just want to be less then the day before.

Oh and I am pretty sure my wisdom teeth are trying to come in, because my whole mouth hurts to the point where I actually cry from the pain. But my family doesn't really have the money to do anything about it, so I guess I will just suffer through it. I mean it has already been going on for almost a week. I will live with the pain until it either goes away or... something...

Oh well... I kind of had a bingy day. But still didn't do as bad as I could have. I will try and do better so I can be more inspiring.


  1. I feel for you on the muchness. :) I'm trying to just eat less and bike more often. I need my brain to function while I'm teaching.

    About the wisdom teeth, maybe they'll stop hurting. Mine "come in" for like a month every year. Then they just decide they're happy where they are and stop.

    We can do this XOXO <3

  2. Good luck on your new plan! Restricting is really hard to stick to, trust me, I know :)
    Wisdom teeth suck. You should definitely get those checked out, just in case it is something else.
    Stay strong! You can do this.

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