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Monday, December 6, 2010

Cookie Monster

Damn those cookies yesterday. I'm not sure how they found there way into my mouth but they just tasted so good.... and I was hungry :(

Though on the plus side I'm still at 197.2 so not a huge gain. And I am planning on doing a liquid fast for the duration of Tuesday and Wednesday. Anyone who wants to fast with me just let me know. We'll do it together.

I however am going to have to appologize for how short this is... but I have to get to work. And I'm not taking any money with me... cause then I can't buy food. So I can only eat what I take.


  1. cookies suck. they're no good. forgivable, but i hate them for being so sneaky.
    how the fuck do you stay so positive? kudos to you. i leave my cash at home, too. one of my favorite excuses. i can do the liquid fast with you. stay strong, darling.

  2. ... i dont remember the last time i had a cookie. i tend to stay away from those awful things. no one ever buys them, so it would be (more) my fault if i were to be eating them. haha.

    good lcuk on your liquid fast! i would join you, but im already fasting. :P

    stay lovely. <3

  3. I'm sorry about the gain, but atleast it wasnt big. Smart idea for not taking any money with you. I hope all goes well. I'll be fasting with you
    Pce, Nate

  4. Cookies are the devil >:( yet so tempting I know! I will liquid fast with you! I am planning to fast Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday too if I'm not forced to eat by anyone.. :) We shall conquer this fast! Think thin!

    Sending you Love and Strength

  5. yeah cookies are tasty and it hard to stay away, but the weight gain was only tiny so it will be fine. i'll fast with you, good luck xx
