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Tuesday, September 14, 2010


So today after BellaAna's divine intervention, I have eaten 1 small potato with a little bit of margarine (about 75 cals), and will be leaving in half an hour to go to work. IT also took me nearly 40 minutes to eat said potato. I feel really good about today. I plan on walking to the bus station after work instead of taking a bus there. So that will likely be a half hour or more of walking (I'm not quite sure I haven't walked it yet), and then I will have some swiss chard (it's like spinach), about 35 calories of that to make my total for the day a meager 110Cals! If I can stick to that I will be so happy, however I am going to boost that total to 150 just incase I'm like crazy hungry after work.

I love being on track and focused. I'll update you guys once I get home (it will be edited into this post), just to help keep me accountable.

So I slipped up a bit today. But I managed to stay at about 500 calories. So I figure today was day 1 of ABC. Tomorrow I will do better. The plan is to be under 200 by October 1. Let's see if I can stick to that goal. I'm about 209 right now, maybe a little less. It's going to take hard work and dedication. If I could prove to myself that I can do that? Then it proves to me that I can do anything.

1 comment:

  1. ;D sounds like a flipping awesome intake love!
    you're amazing <3
