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Monday, November 8, 2010

120th Post

So here I am. Nothing more. Nothing less. Still the same. I will be changing things here as I go on a journey. I'm hoping that starting tomorrow I will be able to set rules that I can stick to. Rules that will become my essence. An essence that will be a thin, beautiful girl. A girl who can blow away in the wind. A girl who will deserve you, a boy who's name I do not know.

This blog has thus been a bust. I have been blogging for months, and yet I have only lost 30 pounds. That isn't good enough in my eyes, and you all should expect better from me. It makes me sick to think that this is a pro-ana blog. Because it isn't it can't be pro-ana when the owner of that blog is not anorexic. So it will stay named as it is, as I get closer to that achievement.

Ana's Wisdom:
Each day that you eat a little less, or workout a little more, is a day that you crawl closer into my arms. Is a day that you get closer to all your dreams coming true. I know you want your dreams to come true, all you have to do is become thin and everything you ever wished for will come true. You will be beautiful and you will be loved, but most of all you will be wanted. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you are too thin, because you can never be too thin.

Hopefully I will be able to post again soon with some good news. But until then I hope you are all doing well, and know that I will be trying my absolute hardest to become better, thinner, stronger.


  1. i believe in you. you can do it! (: <3

  2. 30 pounds is a phenomenal weight-loss you should be really proud, it's taken me the best part of a year to loose that much.
    Really like the ana's wisdom bit, and keep us posted on your new rules!!


  3. 30 pounds is a great achievement! You should be proud! Rules are easier to keep to when you have friends along with you abiding to the same rules. Post the rules and maybe people will follow.

  4. I luv ana's wisdom very motivating =) You can do it =) Also I am new to blogger and looking for supporters =) My blog appears to be a healthy person but as my blogs progress you will see its just a cover up(so family think im doing great)for what i really am!! I am not thin im actually according to my BMI just overweight,I have had 4 years of immaculate and then fat its time to become the faded person i want to be!!

  5. I suggest reading this kick-ass essay that another pro-ana wrote. She is a very insightful writer. Please note the links to the other parts.
    I found her whole blog to be very helpful and educational.
