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Friday, January 14, 2011

.... Stupid Food

Dear god, I am fat.

I have been binging almost none stop the past couple weeks. And gained quite a bit of the weight I had gotten off back. My fat spills over the new jeans I bought cause all my other ones were too big. Well now they fit again! Great there goes that hard work.... which means I am going to have to work hard again just to get back to that point...


  1. you're not alone, trust me
    i got my period 2 weeks early a few days ago, and i've been binging non-stop for 3 days on wendy's, chocolate, and just plain fried/salty food
    i gained 3lbs :/

  2. you can get back on track again. we all can. especially me. good luck. <3

  3. ima send you some tips but plz help me im new at this and im enourmess
    plz follow me
    im going to follow u
